Industrial NPO

Industrial NPO is a business area where core Network Planning & Optimization (NPO) competence is utilized also in other industrial fields than in telecom. Internet of Things (IoT) is in a key focus, and application areas as, for example, health and logistics are already well recognized. IoT applications will soon be everywhere and therefore it is essential to remember the practical NPO aspects to ensure a high quality IoT service.

Another equally interesting area is outdoor mobile service linked to Car Internet, or Car Access (Connected Cars + Unmanned Cars) which will most probably be the next Major Trend in 2020's after Internet Access in 2000's and Mobile Access in 2010's. Car Access will surely create new success stories like Facebook (Internet Access), Instagram and WhatsApp (Mobile Access). However, to succeed in Car Access area, a professional and advanced NPO knowledge is needed to guarantee a robust and high quality connection.

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