Measurement Services

Is the end-user feedback in control? How is the competitor developing their competitiveness?

Measurement services are focused to support operators and vendors with the time-taking field measurements needs. Preliminary measurements in the field are fundamental for cost-effective RF planning. Similarly, regular performance measurements can not be neglected to justify the planning and optimisation costs. Measurement services include also more occasional needs, like propagation model measurements and model tuning.

We are used to execute heavy field campaigns for benchmarking. As well, we have the means for automated data collection. All the field generated big data can be analysed in a minute with our powerful cloud server cluster. For any specific needs we develop advanced algorithms to dig out the root causes.  All the results are visualised with graphs and maps. Our primary approach is to detect the problems before the end-users.



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Hans Ahnlund Vice President This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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